Day 1 in GameDev Coding

Miles Parker Raque
2 min readDec 1, 2020


Day 1 was something else. I used parts of my brain that haven’t been activated in likely a decade. I know that I cannot be the only student that started today that found extreme satisfaction at watching the player move successfully left, right, up, and down after many failed attempts. As I approached the end of the day, I feel stretched mentally, but it feels great.

A few things that I learned today:

  • How to type code into Visual Studio as it pairs with a project
  • How to move your player Left and Right, Up and Down
  • How to limit movements and wrap them in the screen
  • How to maneuver through Unity to get different perspectives from your Main Camera, of the Direct Light, and your Player location
  • Basic Coding Terms such as Transport, Method, Translate, Function, Float, and Void

I struggled in each area and had to rewatch Jonathan’s videos several times to finally learn (*not master..) the lesson he was attempting to get across in each video.

Here is a snapshot of what it looks like to finish the Create The Player section. It’s not much, but it is a start. I am excited for tomorrow and to eventually get comfortable with this new language

See you all tomorrow. I’ll be dreaming in code tonight.

P.S. Thank you Austin for the private help through screen sharing this afternoon. I’d still be stuck back on video 2 if it weren’t for your assistance!



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